Contenido: 2Pack incluye dos cajitas de 30 Cápsulas cada una


    La lecitina de soya es un complemento dietético que ayuda a reducir los niveles de colesterol, aporta Fósforo, por lo que ayuda a fortalecer el cerebro contra fallos de la memoria y en casos de falta de concentración.

    Está indicado en regimenes de adelgazamiento, ya que quema las grasas del tejido adiposo.

  • FOSKROL VITAMINS for the Brain


    It is indicated for physical and mental efforts, states of mental weakness, lack of ability to concentrate, forgetfulness, states of neurocerebral exhaustion.


    pack of 30 capsules 160mg.

    SAW PALMETTO (Serenoa Repens), is recommended for the treatment of symptoms associated with the following pathologies: prostatitis (Inflammation of the prostate), benign adenoma of the prostate in stages I and II, associated urinary manifestations such as nocturia (Need to urinate due to nights) and reduced urgency (high frequency of urination), improvement in urinary flow.
    Treatment of the functional symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
    What is Saw Palmetto?
    Saw Palmetto is a type of plant, also known as “American dwarf plant”, characteristic of the southeastern part of America. Its berries or fruits have been used due to the variety of medicinal purposes it provides. Saw palmetto receives its medicinal properties from the fatty acids it contains. Among the uses that Native Americans have traditionally obtained from its berries, which they prepared and ate directly, are treating urinary and reproductive problems, treating coughs, gastric indigestion, sleeping problems, and infertility problems.
    What is Saw Palmetto for?
    Saw Palmetto is used to treat the following conditions:
    Increase the quantity and quality of sperm
    Increased sexual desire
    Strengthening and preventing hair loss
    Inflammatory processes
    Migraine cases
    Prostate cancer
    Sore throat,
    Cough and cold symptoms
    Chronic pelvic pain
    What are the benefits of Saw Palmetto?
    Prostate health
    Reduced Risk of Prostate Cancer
    Kidney problems
    Hair strengthening
    Immune system
    How to take Saw Palmetto?
    As a natural treatment to reduce prostate hyperplasia, and also to obtain the above benefits, it is recommended to take a daily dose between 160-320mg.
    It has been used for centuries as a testosterone booster and sex tonic, increasing strength, vitality and sexual desire to previously unimaginable levels.

  • Saimed Loratadine x 100 tablets

    Loratadine is used to temporarily relieve the symptoms of hay fever (allergy to pollen, dust, or other substances in the air) and other allergies.
    These symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes, nose, and throat.

  • Quemadín Ointment

    Burns have an END!

    Symptomatic treatment of burns


    Stimulate your memory

    Multivitamin Supplement with Glutamic Acid


    In states of exhaustion,

    lack of concentration and memory,


    iron and vitamin B12 deficiency anemias.

    fatigue, malnutrition, developmental and advanced age, school apathy.

  • Griin Skin, Hair & Nails

    The difference shows!
    Griin Skin, Hair & Nails

    Hydrolyzed Collagen, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid Supplement
    Anti-Wrinkle Protection, Healthy Hair and Strong Nails


    Collagen helps restore elasticity to the skin, promotes its hydration and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
    Collagen represents 75% of the proteins that make up the skin.


    Biotin supports the growth of strong and healthy nails.
    Collagen provides the basic elements to form strong nails.


    Collagen and Pantothenic Acid help restore shine, strength and flexibility to the hair from the roots.

  • Nervidoce Drinkable

    GINKGO BILOBA: Helps improve mental acuity, memory and concentration.
    Supports peripheral circulation in the brain, arms and legs.

    B1 – B6 – B12: They are neurotropic vitamins that support the health of the nervous system and the production of energy.

    THYAMINE (VITAMIN B1): It is essential for proper nerve function.

    VITAMIN B6: Helps in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

    VITAMIN B12: It is essential for the formation of nervous tissue.


    Presentation of 12 Envelopes of 10ml each envelope.
    Feel the ENERGY in minutes !!!

    Physical Energy: Increases Endurance And Performance

    Mental Energy: Increases Concentration And Reduces Stress

    General Wellness: Promotes Physical And Mental Vitality


    Presentation: 12 Envelopes of 10ml Each Envelope
    GRIIN Vitamin

    It is a spectacular formula that allows you to increase your physical performance, provides mental clarity and improves your intellectual capacity, allowing a quick recovery and returning the necessary energy.

  • Ultra Doceplex Drinkable

    Neurotropic Vitamins
    Complex B + B12 + DMG
    Increase physical performance
    Stimulates cellular oxygenation
    Normalizes cholesterol
    Reduce fatigue

  • Elimina el estres con Ultra Doceplex Bebible

    Vitaminas Neurotropas 

    Complejo B + B12 + DMG

    Aumenta el rendimiento físico

    Vitaminas En El Salvador Ultra Doceplex NF

    Estimula la oxigenacion celular

    Normaliza el colesterol

    Reduce la fatiga


  • ZORRITONE 100 Caramelos

    Es un medicamento que alivia cuando la garganta está irritada por causa de los malestares comunes de la tos,resfriados y gripes, proporcionándole además un agradable y fresco aliento.

  • Caramelo Sudagrip para la tos

    Caramelos Sudagrip para la tos son una combinación de extractos naturales con propiedades medicinales, ideal para aliviar y disminuir el dolor e irritación de garganta causados por la tos, resfriados y gripe.

  • Plantassel 500 Nitazoxanida

    Caja de 6 tabletas recubiertas

    Amebiasis intestinal aguda, disentería amebiana; causadas por Entamoebahistolytica,
    Giardia lambia, Trichomnonasvaginalis, Cristosporidiumparvum y hominis,
    Helmintiasis por Nemátodos, (Taeniasaginata y solium) Cestodos, Trematodos.

    La nitazoxanida es un fármaco derivado sintético de la sialicilamida usado como agente antiparasitario de amplio espectro con efectividad comprobada en infecciones por protozoos y vermes. Está aprobado para infecciones por parásitos como Cryptosporidium parvum​ y Giardia lamblia en pacientes mayores de 1 año.


  • Plantassel 500 Nitazoxanida

    Caja de 6 tabletas recubiertas

    Amebiasis intestinal aguda, disentería amebiana; causadas por Entamoebahistolytica,
    Giardia lambia, Trichomnonasvaginalis, Cristosporidiumparvum y hominis,
    Helmintiasis por Nemátodos, (Taeniasaginata y solium) Cestodos, Trematodos.

    La nitazoxanida es un fármaco derivado sintético de la sialicilamida usado como agente antiparasitario de amplio espectro con efectividad comprobada en infecciones por protozoos y vermes. Está aprobado para infecciones por parásitos como Cryptosporidium parvum​ y Giardia lamblia en pacientes mayores de 1 año.



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