Foskrol ANTIOXIDANT with Lycopene Plus Lutein Lycopene: KEEP THE HEART AND CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM HEALTHY Lutein: PREVENTS BLINDNESS AND IMPROVES SIGHT Antioxidant Foskrol with Lycopene, Lutein and Betacarontene is a powerful antioxidant that fights nervous, physical and mental exhaustion, improves memory and concentration, accelerates neurocerebral activity in people with poor academic or work performance, stimulates good cellular functioning while maintaining healthy nerves and calm. LycoPeno It is a micronutrient of natural origin with antioxidant functions that is found in tomatoes. It is responsible for preventing diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system; reduces the appearance of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women, reduces cholesterol levels and increases the natural defenses of our body to keep us healthy. Lutein It is a naturally occurring antioxidant found in broccoli, parsley, banana, and other vegetables. It has the property of delaying the degeneration of the macula, which is part of the eye that ensures that we have excellent visual health, protects the retina from the damaging effects of the sun, prevents the development of cataracts and the appearance of blindness. B-Carotene It is a natural nutrient that is also known as provitamin A, it is found in carrots and other vegetables and fruits. It has antioxidant properties that are of valuable help in people with night vision loss or night blindness; protects the eye from damage caused by the sun’s ultraviolet light, keeps eyesight healthy for people to see better. There is scientific evidence that the consumption of B-carotene is very useful for the care and protection of the skin against burns caused by the sun. Foskrol with Lycopene, Lutein and Betacorotene plays a very important role in immune function, delaying the onset of osteoarthritis (a degenerative joint disorder that manifests itself with pain and inflammation of the joints). It also slows aging in women and men due to its ability to eliminate free radicals in the body.