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FOSKROL with Ginseng Drinkable Vial


Because it is a special Energizer and Vitamin,
fortified with Ginseng is recommended for people with:
Nervous, physical and mental exhaustion.
It also improves the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system,
fighting conditions such as:
Sleep disturbances
lack of vigor,
intellectual fatigue,
poor concentration,
decreased or loss of libido (lack of sexual interest).
Foskrol with Ginseng increases vitality in men,
ideal to combat stress,
helps detoxify the nerves in alcoholic and convalescent people.
Because Foskrol with Ginseng stimulates cellular oxygenation, it significantly improves the activity of ladies in their daily work, thus increasing work performance.
Foskrol with Ginseng does not make you gain weight (it does not make you fat).

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